Friday, July 16, 2010

Ramble Ramble Ramble

Welcome to my Blog! In an attempt at some egotist fashion a.k.a thinking that people care about what I have to say or do in this little thing we call life, I decided to start up this blog to say a little somethin' about a lotta other somethins' in the world. I don't really have a direction in what I'll write or say. Honestly, I'm so fickle so this could really be my only post. Just trust me on one thing. This ain't no Julie and Julia. I'm not trying to trip and make boeuf bourguinon. I'm not lookin' to make a social experiment come to life or make big revelations about the world and my place in it. In fact, this is all a little too self-indulgent for me. But for intensive purposes, I'm gonna throw all the curiosities of my little into this little blogspot. Read, don't read, love, like, hell hate for all I care. At least I'm gettin' you to feel something. I'm trying to think of a lyric with the word feel in it, but I can't. But, you get the picture. Blog on!


  1. i love your first post. I miss you and your humor and your "i don't give a crap attitude"!

  2. Welcome to the world of blogging. Keep it up, and don't feel under too much pressure.

  3. Just wanted to send you my love and say that I definitely care about what you have to say! I haven't seen too many episodes of Housewives, but those are certainly some crazy bitches! :-)

    Matt Standley
