Sunday, July 18, 2010

Give me a YOB!


Ah...So today marks the day of me getting back into that working world. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it looks like I've re-routed myself out of homelessness yet again. Oh, the joys of being an actor. Today I found out I will be working at the fine establishment known as the Plaid Rhino. Now, why they coveted the ridiculous name Plaid Rhino for a restaurant is beyond my comprehension. I guess if I decide to open a restaurant I could name is something like "Hungry Hyenas" or just simply "Hungry ass people-come here." So, with a blue polo shirt with this awesomely annoying fucking emblem known as the PLAID RHINO, jeans, and my server tray hoisted back up on my shoulder all the while listening to some annoying lady ask me if there's shrimp in the shrimp salad, I'm back. Waiting tables and waiting on them to tip. The joys of capitalism.

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